Strasbourg’s Danube Eco-District: shared parking, a key challenge

The Danube Eco-District in Strasbourg has succeeded in encouraging vehicle rotation by implementing a shared parking solution. Thanks to Zenpark Pro Smart, the 466 parking spaces have been optimized, reducing the number of spaces required by 20%. The Share solution has made it possible to offer parking spaces to visitors, entailing lower costs for the owners.

About the Danube Eco-District

The Danube Eco-District is a benchmark in France, and foreshadows large-scale projects such as Smartseille, where Zenpark is also in charge of shared parking. The 6-hectare district features 650 homes (50% of which are social housing), 18,000m² of office and retail space, an 84-bed nursing home, a student residence and a nursery school. All this while operating at positive energy (generating more energy than is consumed), earning it the distinction of winning the government’s “EcoQuartier” call for projects and the “Engaged in EcoQuartier Labeling” certificate issued by the French Ministry for Territorial Equality and Housing.



Zenpark and its partner Electricité de Strasbourg – Services Énergétiques (ESSE), operate all the parking lots in the Danube Eco-District in Strasbourg, France’s eighth largest city. The two parking lots, Danube Vert and Danube Bleu, have a total of 466 parking spaces located in the Neudorf District of the city center.


About the Danube Eco-District challenges

The two parking lots in Strasbourg’s Danube Eco-District offer a total of 466 parking spaces, as well as 6 electric charging stations. The Zenpark team was faced with many challenges.

  • Promoting vehicle rotation and helping motorists find a parking space quickly. The sharing of dynamic parking spaces between visitors, day-time residents (workers) and night-time residents (inhabitants) is made possible by the emergence of the “smart city”. Our solution has enabled us to build just 0.7 parking spaces per dwelling, while at the same time providing sufficient parking space to guarantee the same level of service as a conventional parking lot, thanks to the freeing up of parking spaces by sharing them between different uses.
  • Fraud-related issues. Our patented technology makes it possible to implement a new structure to improve control of parking lot users, and thus limit fraud.
  • A significant financial cost. With little automated management and no way of tracking actual parking lot use with a conventional access system, parking lots can quickly become costly and time-consuming for parking lot managers.


With Zenpark Pro solutions


Zenpark has developed Zenpark Pro Smart, the most innovative dynamic pooling solution in Europe. By designing residential, office, hotel and visitor parking needs as complementary rather than additional, Zenpark Pro has reduced the number of parking spaces required for these populations by 20%, i.e. 650 unmarked spaces.

  • Fully-digital basement access control. Zenpark provides mobile access to the parking lot and monitors vehicle and pedestrian access, making the parking lot much safer and easier to use on a daily basis.
  • Increase the number of parking spaces. Thanks to big data technology, Zenpark can offer the same parking space to several types of user day and night, while guaranteeing a space for every use.
  • Analyze usage to help site managers make decisions. Our dynamic reporting tools provide a real-time view of occupancy according to different types of user, as well as key performance indicators to help decision-making on parking policy changes.



In addition to the parking spaces allocated to “Rights-holder” users, Zenpark has set up the Share solution to market unallocated spaces to the general public, dynamically according to time slots.

  • Offer parking spaces to visitors and local residents. On average, more than a hundred parking spaces are available for reservation via the Zenpark application, at competitive prices.
  • Reduce costs for parking space owners. Sharing spaces means sharing parking revenues. Each co-owner can benefit from a reduction in annual rates, or decide to contribute to a works fund to anticipate the future.


Results in some key figures

  • 466 parking spaces built
  • 7 parking spaces per dwelling
  • 80 parking spaces for the general public


The final word?

“With 466 parking spaces for 700 housing units and 18,000m² of service sector activities, the Danube District saves 140 on-street parking spaces, or 1,800m² of artificial ground covering”.William Rosenfeld, CEO of Zenpark.


More than 300 corporate customers use our services

Zenpark Pro offers solutions for companies, social housing landlords, hotels and service residences wanting to optimize their parking lots based on innovative, quick-to-implement solutions.

More than 300 corporate customers use our services

Zenpark Pro offers solutions for companies, social housing landlords, hotels and service residences wanting to optimize their parking lots based on innovative, quick-to-implement solutions.

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